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Local curriculum is about designing rich opportunities and coherent pathways for all learners that are unique to your school. Developing  a local curriculum involves reviewing and designing a school curriculum that gives effect to the national curriculum in ways that best address the particular needs, interests and circumstances of the school’s students and community. We can provide a specific focus on leading local curriculum through digital technology, science, STEM and social sciences. Our aim is to align rich learning opportunities to your vision and values, while building teacher confidence to develop appropriate approaches and pedagogies. 


We have been supporting schools with:

  • Developing a blended or integrated learning approach

  • Understanding what it means to learn locally and develop a local curriculum

  • Creating a local curriculum strategy that aligns to the curriculum refresh and ensures curriculum coverage

  • Aligning vision and values to student learning opportunities with clear coherent pathways 

  • Connecting to local people, places and stories to make learning authentic and enriched

  • Developing robust inquiry models that provide students rich learning opportunties that develop critical and creative thinking skills

  • Looking for and understanding the history and science of your rohe and how students can share these stories using digital technology

  • Using design thinking so students become problem finders and take sustainable action as active contributors of your community. 

School Field Trip
Technology Class

A local curriculum lens where students can become creative, critical thinkers and designers of technology. 


We support teachers to plan inquiries where students can become problem finders and innovative problem solvers using digital technology. Utilising the design thinking process, teachers and students develop their confidence as potential creators of digital technology that solve real life, local problems in your community. 

Australian Flag

A local curriculum lens where students learn how to participate and take action as critical informed and responsible citizens. 


We support teachers to plan inquiries that connect them to the history of local people, places and stories. This contributes to students sense of self and builds relationships with people and land. Through exploring different perspectives and experiences you can ensure Te Ao Maori and Pūrākau are incorporated into your local curriculum.

Outdoor Education

A local curriculum lens where students investigate their world, and apply their new knowledge.


We support teachers to plan inquiries where students are supported to ask questions and answer for themselves by gathering and using evidence. This might be to let us know what is happening in this place. Is papatūānuku just surviving or thriving? What can we do to help?We use science to explore our world and the  actions we can take.

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Tracey Pacheco

MOE Accredited Facilitator
PG DipEd and 20 years classroom experience
BCom in Marketing &
International Business
ate Certificate Digital & Collaborative Learning 
TESSOL Qualified

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Nick Bithell

MOE Accredited Facilitator
PGCE and 20 years classroom experience
Previously Secondary School HOD Science 
BSc Hons Experimental Physics 

© 2023 Blend Learning NZ LTD  Blending educational theory into practice since 2015

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