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Distance Learning for NZ Schools

A guide to getting started with distance learning, follow the key steps:

  • CONSTRUCT a picture of what you want learning to look like at home for your learners and whanau. What is realistic for teachers, students and whanau?

  • CHOOSE the best platform/s to use to deliver this vision. It is best to start with what you know.

  • THINK about the unique home environment, keeping connected, providing feedback and maintaining relationships

  • CREATE your workspace, learning content and access to match.

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Tracey Pacheco_edited.png

Tracey Pacheco

MOE Accredited Facilitator
PG DipEd and 20 years classroom experience
BCom in Marketing &
International Business
ate Certificate Digital & Collaborative Learning 
TESSOL Qualified

Nick Bithell_edited.png

Nick Bithell

MOE Accredited Facilitator
PGCE and 20 years classroom experience
Previously Secondary School HOD Science 
BSc Hons Experimental Physics 

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